Lanzarote 0034 653840440
Tenerife 0034 613815462
Gran Canaria 0034 699831539
Website last updated on 01/09/2024
Welcome to the website of the English-speaking group of
Alcoholics Anonymous
in Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Lanzarote , Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria & Tenerife AA would like to point out that we only have a small number of members covering service positions on the islands and our time is limited. Could all members please be considerate when using the telephone service and email contact forms. These services are primarily for initial newcomer 12 step calls. If you are new to AA then please use the above telephone numbers and email service for further information. If you are already a member of AA then please use this website for up to date meeting information, click on the menu tab for information on indviidual meetings including venues, times, maps and directions. this website is updated regularly. In accordance with Tradition 10 'Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy' we can not offer guidance on areas to stay, accommodation or tourist information matters such as where to eat out. We are unable to respond to correspondence regarding these queries. Also due to the amount of visitors attending meetings we can not offer transport to meetings. The islands are serviced by very good public transport services and most meetings are on bus routes.
Please remember that the Canary islands follow GMT not Spanish mainland time, Please ensure your phone has not set to Spanish Mainland time.
In Fellowship AA Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Tenerife & Gran Canaria
Special Announcements​​​
New Meetings
Lanzarote, La Tinosa Community Centre, Calle Teide 2, Old Town, Puerto del Carmen, Fridays 12noon - 1pm, This is an open meeting.
New to AA?
CLICK HERE if you are new to AA and need initial info on what to expect. On this page you will also find ways how to contact someone if you feel you have a drinking problem.
Upcoming Events
The AA Canary island intergroup would like to inform members that they are not affiliated with these listed events, Any queries should be forwarded to the event organisers